
Salvador 84, big up

An Epic Battle

I always like the border on big up and it frames this shot well adding to the battle.  With the central figures in near washed out tones and the surrounding still brightly colored this battle is framed well.


The Pugilist; Lens: Slavador 84, Film: Alfred Infrared

What a totally Cool this shot this is at least to me.  I have always enjoyed the random distortions of the Salvador lens it has a great way of creating a dream scape.  This one seems especially distorted the figures are twisted almost beyond Dali and to the point of Picasso.  The Colors continue work great for this image, I am not generally a fan of the Alfred film the fake infrared usually does not do it for me, but here it works


Lens: Adler 9009; Film: Dylan

Hello all I know it's been a few days since posting work has been bordering on insanity.

Any way with the release of the be SnapPack I thought I would share what it looks like. Sorry no concerts lately but some not shots of a Harley Davidson shop will have to do. Gotta say I am liking this pack. Under general lighting conditions it looks like hell at least with the particular lens but in the dark it shines like a new Les Paul. Or Harley.

I can imagine this working put well. With this weekend being St. Pats I'm going to use it in some dimly lite areas and we will see more how it works at least I hope any way.

The last of the three is my daylight shot


Daylight Shooting Time

Libatique 73 and Pistil, this is quickly becoming one of my favorite combos, it works great for gritty portraits.  I wanted to show what I was doing for daylight shooting time.  I apologize for the repeat use of this combo but I truly like this.

Lens: Matty ALN; Film: Blanko

 This was a totally cool find digging through old photos.  This is an exceptionally cool alien land scape that was taken at lake Hodges in San Diego.  This film and lens combo created another world.  An acid sea and strange green land scape.

I also realized how well these to images fit together creating a singular more powerful image.


Approaching 1000

Hello every one I just wanted every one to know this blog is rapidly approaching 1000 views. ( can you hear the peasants rejoicing). Ok sorry for the Monty Python reference, I'm kind of excited.

Any way I am trying to think of a good idea for a post when it does happen. Any one have any good ideas. If so hit me up.

Today's post. Lens: Libatique 73; film: dream canvas

I like the old almost rust look of this combo. Looks like an old color film before they had it dialed in correctly. Great for shots of dilapidated buildings and well random stacks of wood, boxes, and trash.


Lens: Jimmy; Film: DreamCanvas

Took this shot on the bank of Dixon Lake in Escondido, Ca. I really enjoy the dreamy colors the washed out and uneven appearance of the print it some what reminds me of alternative processing.

Dream Canvas seems to lend itself to this and I think jimmy really helped pop the greens and yellows.


Lens libatique; film pistl

Shot taken this weekend. This lens film combination is quickly becoming one of my favorites.


Lens: Libatique; Film PistilSalton

This film combination is great and I have started to truly love it especially for scenes like this.  Overall it seems to deeply saturate the brown mid tones while washing out some of the grays to more of a antique feel.

These are a shots of the Salton Sea in California.  The surreal dreamy quality of this is pretty cool and gives a sense of impending adventure.